Allpriser FAQ

How does the Allpriser price service work?

The prices that Allpriser publishes are suggested resale prices and are designed to work with discounts that you can get from wholesalers in your area.

Working from a standard benchmark price and then applying a discount against that price to arrive at your cost price, simplifies the buying process.

Wholesaler discounts, how do I get them and how do they help me?

Discount rate sheets, designed to work with the Allpriser price service, are available from most wholesalers in Canada.

The discounts that you get are usually preset by the wholesaler based on your buying profile. These discounts can also be negotiated beforehand where you and the wholesaler arrive at a mutually agreeable discount structure that benefits both parties. The discounts that you are given by the wholesaler are not assigned on individual items but are applicable to product groups. This helps you in two ways. First, you know instantly what your product cost should be on any product sold by the wholesaler. Secondly, you can easily compare pricing from multiple wholesalers because you are not comparing individual product prices but comparing pricing on product groups. For example, Wholesaler ABC has given you a discount of 50% on Copper Pipe and Fittings and Wholesaler XYZ has quoted you a 65% discount on Copper Pipe and Fittings - it's easy to figure out who you will be buying all your Copper Pipe and Fittings from.

Why would I need a pricing service when I can get my pricing for free from my wholesaler?

Using a pricing service with a preset negotiated set of discounts from the wholesaler takes the uncertainty out of the ordering process.

You don't have to call your wholesaler as often for pricing, you don't have to spend as much time on the phone negotiating a price or comparing prices from multiple wholesalers, and you can price jobs accurately the first time, while billing your customers faster. In other words, fewer hours spent on admin work, more on billable work. Allpriser's pricing services ensures that you get the best price, the fairest price, for you and your customers without the hassle.

Using a pricing service is too hard and it takes too much time!

Your buying decision comes down to comparing your product discounts between wholesalers. You don't have to wait for an itemized quote from your wholesaler to begin the billing process. Simple!

Your billing time is decreased. Your billing is more accurate and consistent. If you're working with the Allpriser suggested resale price and wholesaler discounts, there shouldn't be any surprises when you start billing customers. And, there shouldn't be any surprises when the wholesaler bills you. All you need is your Allpriser price and discount and you're good to go! Allpriser's pricing is available 24/7 wherever and whenever you need it. epriser is available as a desktop application for your office computers or as a web application that can run on desktops, tablets, or phones. Fast!

We're just a small shop, I don't think we need to worry about using a pricing service.

The time you spend on deciding what to buy and who to buy from is not important to small contractors too?

The time you spend on billing your customers is not important? The money that you may lose because of inconsistent or incorrect buying and billing practises is not important? As a small contractor, you probably know the answers to those questions. Your time is already in short supply and you certainly need to operate your business in the best possible way that protects your financial assets and your customer's good will.

Your pricing service is too expensive for a small contractor.

© 2025 Allpriser, a division of Trimble . All rights reserved.  1.800.361.9484.  Publishers of pricing solutions for Canadian contractors since 1919.