Pages are displayed in their original formatting to help you easily and quickly find what you're looking for.
Using the format of an Allpriser price page is a much better experience than trying to find a price using a confusing unformatted table of data.
Find content by section and then page title.
It's just like using our Allpriser price guides. Choose a broad range of items by first selecting a section and then narrow it down by selecting a product group based on it's page title.
Search by page title.
Select content based on the content's page title. You can even filter the list of titles to reveal only page titles that meet a specific filter expression.
Search by text.
This is our most powerful search option. You can search for any piece of text found within your price book. The text could be a part of a description or a portion of a part code. The search results that are returned are grouped by section and page title and are presented in the context of the phrase that they are found in on the actual page.
Search by page number.
Just like the traditional paper price guide, if you know the page that you are interested in, you can go directly to that page in your price book.